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Analytical Customer Relationship
A Whitepaper from Sybase, Inc
Frank Teklitz
Senior Manager
Robert L. Mccarthy
Senior Marketing Manager
Table of Contents
Challenges for Customer-oriented and Market-oriented Companies
The New Approach for Business Intelligence
Analytical CRM Defined
A Recipe for Closed-loop Business Intelligence
Customer Analysis
Getting the Right Information -A Customer Analysis Exampl
Market Segmentation
A Market Segmentation Example
One-to-one Marketing
A Treatment Strategy Example
Event Modeling
An Event Modeling Example
Tthe Ultimate Refinement: Your Bottom Line
Challenges in Delivering Analytical CRM
Typical Data Warehouse Project Development
Benefits of Using a Packaged Data Warehouse Infrastructure
Introducing the Sybase Industry Warehouse Studio M
Sybase Delivers the Right Solution Today
Industry-focused Warehouse Studio
Industry Warehouse Studio Packaged Application Reports
ampaign Analysls........
Customer Profile Analysis
Sales Analy
Loyalty Analysis
Customer Care Analysis
Getting Results Today
Appendix A: Sybase Industry Warehouse Studio Components..............22
Data Models (Included with IWS
Packaged Application Reports (Included with IWS
Architect (Included with IWS
Warehouse Control Center (Included with IWS
Methodology and Project Plans (Included with IWS
Database Independence(Standard Feature of IWS
Powerstage(Optional Fea
The need to find new sources of revenue is a fundamental requirement for business growth
Typically it means reaching current customers and prospects in ways that will encourage
them to do more business with you. From your customers perspective, there are so many
choices in products, services, delivery, and packaging that your efforts to sell them more
products can result in an onslaught of information-often confusing information. And from
your business s perspective, there are so many touch points where information is exchanged
between you and your prospective or current customers such as customer support centers
direct mail telesales, direct sales. e-commerce and the Web, that it is difficult to determine
which methods deliver the best results
Over the last 30 vears. we have moved from a mass-market culture of relatively few products
ith a limited number of options to a dynamic market where many products may be easil
customized to fit the specific requirements of an individual customer. For example, not that
long ago, banking customers had relatively few product choices-savings accounts, checking
CDS, and fixed rate mortgages. Today, every bank provides a variety of investment choices,
loan types with fixed and variable interest rates, direct deposit accounts, electronic banking
options, leases, credit cards, and more Banks even offer insurance and brokerage services
Prospective and current customers are, at times, overwhelmed with invitations from their
existing suppliers to increase their use of products and services. At the same time, they are
repeatedly courted (and provided incentives)by their supplier's competition to move thei
business for a "better deal. In the past, many organiz

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