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Learning WebTutor is atrademark of Thomson Learning,Inc.Library of Congress Control Number:2005936961ISBN 0-495-09334-3Thomson Higher Education10 Davis DriveBelmont,CA 94002-3098USAFor more information about our products,contact us at:Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center1-800-423-0563For permission to use material from this text orproduct,submit a request online athttp:/.Any additional questions about permissions canbe submitted by e-mail .Introduction to Sociology,Ninth EditionHenry L.TischlerWhat I know about society could fill a book.What I dont would fill the world.Dedicated to my fellow travelers in the journey of lifeLinda,Melissa,and Ben.This page intentionally left blank Preface xixAbout the Author xxviiA Word to the Student xxixPA RT 1The Study of Society21The Sociological Perspective22Doing Sociology:Research Methods30PA RT 2The Individual in Society543Culture544Socialization and Development 805Society and Social Interaction1106Social Groups and Organizations1347Deviant Behavior and Social Control152PA RT 3Social Inequality1908Social Class in the United States1909Global Stratification21810Racial and Ethnic Minorities24011Gender Stratification278PA RT 4Institutions30212Marriage and Alternative Family Arrangements30213Religion33614Education36615Political and Economic Systems392PA RT 5Social Change and Social Issues41816Population and Urban Society41817Health and Aging45218Collective Behavior and Social Change478Glossary 501References 513Credits 543Index 545Practice Tests 565Practice Test Answers 632Contents in BriefviiThis page intentionally left blank Preface xixAbout the Author xxviiA Word to the Student xxixPA RT 1The Study of Society2C h a p t e r1The Sociological Perspective2Sociology as a Point of View4The Sociological Imagination5Is Sociology Common Sense?6FORFURTHERTHINKING:If You Are Thinking about Sociology as a Career,Read This7SOCIALCHANGE:Too Smart to Marry?8Sociology and Science8Sociology as a Social Science9CONTROVERSIES INSOCIOLOGY:Is There a Differencebetween Sociology and Journalism?11The Development of Sociology11Auguste Comte(17981857)12Harriet Martineau(18021876)12Herbert Spencer(18201903)13Karl Marx(18181883)14mile Durkheim(18581917)15Max Weber(18641920)17NEWSYOUCANUSE:Is There an Epidemic of College Student Suicides?18The Development of Sociology in the UnitedStates19Theoretical Perspectives21Functionalism21Conflict Theory21The Interactionist Perspective22Contemporary Sociology23Theory and Practice24Summary24C h a p t e r2Doing Sociology:Research Methods30The Research Process32Define the Problem32Review Previous Research33Develop One or More Hypotheses34Determine the Research Design35Define the Sample and Collect Data38NEWSYOUCANUSE:How to Spot a Bogus Poll42Analyze the Data and Draw Conclusions43CONTROVERSIES INSOCIOLOGY:Truth in the Courtroom versus Truth in the Social Sciences44Prepare the Research Report45NEWSYOUCANUSE:How to Read a Table46Objectivity in Sociological Research46Ethical Issues in Sociological Rese



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